An R function I had to write to calculate the true course/bearing between two lat lon positions. Note that the fossil R library has a function called earth.bear to do the same thing, but hey, who’s installing more libraries at this point?
#finds the bearing aka true course (tc) between two positions getBearing<-function(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2) { #lon1<-deg2rad(lon1) lat1<-deg2rad(lat1) #lon2<-deg2rad(lon2) lat2<-deg2rad(lat2) lambda<-deg2rad(lon2-lon1) Y<-sin(lambda)*cos(lat2) X<-cos(lat1)*sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lambda) tc<-atan2(Y,X) tc<-rad2deg(tc) if (tc<0.0) { tc<-360+tc } tc } getBearing(-94.581, 39.099, -90.200,38.627) #Note that you have to convert degrees to rads and back to make this work, here are the helper functions to do that:
deg2rad <- function(deg) return(deg*pi/180) rad2deg <- function(rad) return((rad*180)/pi)