Recently the new Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Berger has decided to get rid of tanks. This is in preparation to fight China and new threats. A series...
System: Windows 7 64 bit Problem: X2goclient bombs out/won’t connect with error: Failed to restore all required visuals. Solution: Open up X2goclient, and click on the small box on...
Yesterday I was upgrading a 2008 R2 Server to 2012, and everything seemed to go fine. A few hours after the upgrade, one of the users was reporting multiple...
Open ~/.vnc/xstartup file $ nano ~/.vnc/xstartup Add the lines in the file. #!/bin/sh xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey # fix to make xfce work: startxfce4 & Save and exit.
I recently worked on two analytic projects which had libraries which were crucial to the completion of the projects, which I like to call putting all your eggs in...
Symptoms: When a user connects to a Windows Server 2008 Server using Remote Desktop local printers appear to work, but print jobs won’t print. No error are reported to...