My new science fiction novel, The Stalker of Light is now live on Amazon! About: Jacon Stalker’s neighbors think he’s an eccentric hermit living in the middle of the Arizona...
Recently the new Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Berger has decided to get rid of tanks. This is in preparation to fight China and new threats. A series...
System: Windows 7 64 bit Problem: X2goclient bombs out/won’t connect with error: Failed to restore all required visuals. Solution: Open up X2goclient, and click on the small box on...
Recently I came across a Facebook post about Coach Bourgeois, a teacher at Camelback High School. Coach Bourgeois taught physical education and tennis at Camelback, here in Phoenix. I...
Beautiful decision plots in R with ggparty. An entire story in one picture:
Not just for machine learning models: Communication problems are harder than technical problems: